Concurrent Enrollment (CE) provides high school students the opportunity to take college-credit-bearing courses taught by college-approved high school teachers. It is a low-cost, scalable model for bringing accelerated courses to students in high schools. Students gain exposure to the academic challenges of college while in their supportive high school environment and earn transcripted college credit when they complete the course.
Benefits of College in High School Programs
Concurrent Enrollment also facilitates close collaboration between high school teachers and college faculty that fosters alignment of secondary and postsecondary curricula.
Sometimes called dual credit, dual enrollment, or college in the schools, concurrent enrollment partnerships differ from other dual enrollment models because high school instructors teach college courses. Read about Concurrent Enrollment at the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).
Rochester Community and Technical College Concurrent Enrollment Program Mission Statement – The 易胜博 CE Program provides college access and quality learning opportunities to regional high school students and supports high school global citizenship through higher learning education opportunities.
Taking Concurrent Enrollment (CE) courses means you are a college student. As an 易胜博 student, we want you to be successful. It is not only a privilege to be a college student, but there are responsibilities as well. If you have questions about what it takes to be a college student or are struggling in one of your classes, please contact your high school counselor or email to make an appointment with the college transition advisor at your school. There are potential consequences that could affect your future college if you do not take this opportunity seriously.
Michelle Pyfferoen
Vice President of Academic Affairs • 507-285-7256
Michele Altman
Administrative Assistant to Associate Dean of Career and Technical Education • 507-280-3151
Tiffany Betcher
Concurrent Enrollment/Outreach Coordinator • 507-285-2916
- Student Applications
- Student Enrollment
The annual High School Schedule links contain the concurrent enrollment high school partnerships with 易胜博. The following information is provided: Course, Course Title, Course ID, Semester, High School Partner, Number Enrolled/Max, High School Instructor, and College Liaisons.
1. Meet with your high school counselor if you are interested in concurrent enrollment. Your counselor will help you determine if concurrent enrollment is a good fit for you, discuss courses offered through your high school, ensure you are on track for high school graduation, and assist with the application and registration process.
2. Once you have registered for the concurrent enrollment course at your high school, fill out the Concurrent Enrollment Intent Form at the top of this webpage.
3. Complete the online PSEO application at using the 易胜博 Concurrent Enrollment Resource Guide, under “STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO THE ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESS.”
4. Send your official high school transcripts and/or test scores to 易胜博.
5. Once your application, transcripts, and/or test scores have been reviewed, you will receive your next steps from the Concurrent Enrollment/Outreach Coordinator.
6. During the first week of high school, the Concurrent Enrollment/Outreach Coordinator will help you finalize your enrollment in the course.
Students need to be evaluated for course placement prior to enrolling in a Concurrent Enrollment course at 易胜博.
Students can have their test scores and/OR high school GPA considered for college placement. These items can be mailed OR emailed to
- Send test scores:
- Students can verify test scores (ACT, SAT, MCA, or ALEKS) pulled out of their portal (unofficial test scores) with a College Transitions Advisor or high school Counselor and send to 易胜博. Official ACT or SAT copies are also accepted when a student requests them from ACT or College Board. Test scores are valid for 5 years.
- Report your unweighted GPA:
- If you did NOT fill out the “High School Grade Point Average” box in the online application, you can send an unofficial transcript to 易胜博 for placement. High school GPA is valid for 10 years.
Students who have completed college-level English and/or Reading will need to submit official college transcripts prior to placement.
Students who do not have valid test scores or high school GPA will need to contact their high school Counselor for further instructions.
As an 易胜博 college student, it is important that you understand the student policies that apply to your college enrollment.
The Concurrent Enrollment Resource Guide contains the step-by-step process to complete the enrollment process at 易胜博.
The Concurrent Student Handbook contains not only student policies and student course expectations, but also provides information regarding academic standards, grading standards, academic records, support resources, library access, and transferring your college credits to other college and universities.
Minnesota Association of Developmental Education (MNADE) developed a brochure that compares high school and college learning environments to better prepare students and their families for postsecondary education.
The brochure highlights the differences in curriculum, instructor expectations, and student responsibilities. The brochure is a useful tool to review prior to enrolling in a PSEO or Concurrent Enrollment course to ensure readiness and success.
Transfer Information: 易胜博 and Minnesota State are committed to making the transfer process as easy for you as possible. Anyone may access Simply sign up for a free account. You will be able to view how the classes you take at one college will be recognized at another college.
It is always important to contact the college you wish to transfer to prior to taking classes from another college so that you will know in advance how the classes will transfer for both the college and major requirements.
As a high school student, you may be applying to several colleges without knowing exactly which college you will attend. It is best to take advantage of any college opportunities that your high school offers. The preparation and experience will be well worth it.
Desire to Learn/Brightspace (Online Learning System): Desire2Learn/Brightspace (D2L) is the instructional management system used at 易胜博 and throughout Minnesota State.
D2L/Brightspace provides a secure online environment, either to supplement face-to-face courses, or to offer classes entirely online. D2L/Brightspace includes a number of interactive tools which allows students to access course materials, upload assignments (Dropbox), participate in discussions, watch recorded lectures, take tests and quizzes, and see their grades.
The 易胜博 Department Educational Technology provides support for D2L/Brightspace for both students and faculty, through workshops and training sessions and one-on-one consultation.
College Academic Calendar: While PSEO students will follow the 易胜博 academic calendar; Concurrent Enrollment students will follow their high school calendar.
Student Life: As a Concurrent Enrollment student, you ARE an 易胜博 student and you are welcome to enjoy student life activities. 易胜博 has an art gallery, theatre, athletic and music events; and many other student activities. All 易胜博 students gain free admission to theatre productions, concerts, athletic events with a valid 易胜博 ID. Student Life also organizes Wild, Timberwolves, and Vikings trips that include bus ride, food, and a game ticket at extremely reduced prices.
Scholarships: The 易胜博 scholarship application portal is typically open for about six weeks beginning in January and ending in mid-February each year. High school students are encouraged to apply during their senior year for a scholarship in their first year of college. For more information about the numerous 易胜博 and external scholarships available, use this link.
The Concurrent Enrollment program provides an opportunity for your student to earn college credit in high school. Your student will develop the skills and understanding of college rigor necessary for future college success. Research shows that students who complete college courses in high school graduate more often, on-time and with less debt. Your student will be starting a college transcript that will set the pace for future college opportunities. Please encourage your student to take this privilege seriously. There could be consequences that alter a future successful college career. Speak with your high school or a college counselor to determine if this is the right choice for your student at this time.
For questions relating to 易胜博’s PSEO or Concurrent Enrollment program, please see the Concurrent Student Handbook.
Minnesota Association of Developmental Education (MNADE) developed a brochure that compares high school and college learning environments to better prepare students and their families for postsecondary education.
The brochure highlights the differences in curriculum, instructor expectations, and student responsibilities. The brochure is a useful tool to review with your student prior to enrolling in a PSEO or Concurrent Enrollment course to ensure readiness and success.
It’s not just a school policy, but it’s the law. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are subject to federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and state law, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA), which contain detailed rules about student record privacy.
High School Teachers
Teaching college courses in high school is both an opportunity and a responsibility for high school teachers. 易胜博 is committed to NACEP (National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships) accreditation standards to ensure the same level of rigor and college course expectations are upheld. High school teachers will be expected to teach 易胜博 common course outline content, follow college syllabi guidelines, attend an orientation prior to teaching a CE course as well as discipline-specific professional development, participate in on-site liaison visit(s), and work with a college liaison for paired assessment and grading requirements. The college liaison will support, guide, and partner with you.
Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses
- Master’s Degree in-field OR Master’s Degree with 18 credits in-field
Career and Technical Courses
- A mix of formal academic preparation and discipline-specific work experience in a technical field. Credentialing requirements are field-specific and will vary. Please contact the college for CTE credentialing requirements.
High school instructors interested in applying to teach in the Concurrent Enrollment program should discuss their interest with their high school principal.
Conditional Requirements/Procedure
- In addition to the Master's Degree, 易胜博 requires all CE teachers to have a minimum of two (2) graduate-level in-field courses successfully completed prior to receiving conditional status.
Application Materials
- Concurrent Enrollment High School Instructor Application
- Resume
- 易胜博 Employment Application
- Official College Transcripts: Graduate
Due to the sensitivity of the information, mail to Michele Altman at Rochester Community and Technical College, 851 30th Ave SE, Rochester, Minnesota 55904 or talk with your tech department about how to send documents securely via email to
The college will review applicant materials and make the decision to approve, approve conditionally, or deny the applicant. The applicant will receive correspondence indicating approval, approval with conditions, or denial from the college. Conditional approval will require completion of the Credential Annual Progress Report. to be monitored by the college and the high school administration for successful progress toward meeting full approval status by September 1, 2025. If satisfactory progress is not being made the college has the right to revoke the conditional status at any time.
1. The new concurrent enrollment teacher and administration will receive the approval letter.
2. A liaison will be assigned by the college and the Common Course Outline will be sent to the new concurrent enrollment teacher.
3. The new concurrent enrollment teacher will meet with their college liaison prior to semester start for course-specific training to include creation of a syllabus, textbook review, and discuss course expectations in assessment and grading.
4. The new concurrent enrollment teacher will participate in Concurrent Enrollment Partnership orientation.
5. The liaison and concurrent enrollment teacher will establish regular communications and set a time for a classroom site visit sometime during the course.
6. A new concurrent enrollment teacher will receive a site visit from the liaison. During the visit, the liaison will observe a class session and the liaison and concurrent enrollment teacher will discuss course components to ensure the course is at college-level and contains the same components as the on-campus course.
7. All Concurrent Enrollment teachers must complete discipline-specific professional development annually. This is continuing education attended either at their high school or on their own to maintain their license.
8. End of Course Surveys (Evaluation Kit) will be administered through Desire2Learn (D2L) to be completed prior to the end of the semester. It is the concurrent enrollment teacher’s responsibility to schedule a time for the class to take the survey as a whole. Once it is complete, the concurrent enrollment instructor will contact Michele Altman, that it has been completed. This is a requirement for NACEP accreditation.
9. Non-compliance with any of the NACEP requirements will be addressed and may affect continuation of the Concurrent Enrollment course.
易胜博 requires all CE teachers to have a minimum of two (2) graduate-level in-field courses successfully completed prior to receiving conditional status.
The Higher Learning Commission has given the deadline of Fall 2025 for all concurrent enrollment teachers to meet full college credentialing requirements. 易胜博’s commitment to meet the deadline ensures the Concurrent Enrollment Partnership will work with all conditional Concurrent Enrollment teachers and high school administrators on a Credential Annual Progress Report. The Credential Annual Progress Report will contain the graduate credits completed as well as a plan to complete the remaining credits prior to Fall 2025. The report will be signed by all parties and reviewed annually for successful completion. On-going tracking will use the Credential Annual Progress Report. It is the CE teacher’s responsibility to find courses and send them to Jennifer Hewerdine, Dean of Academic Services, Support, and Innovation at for review and pre-approval.
If Approved as Conditional Status:
1. You will receive a letter approved with conditional status and an Initial Approval Form.
2. Annually complete Credential Annual Progress Report.
Typically a denial letter is not necessary because communication between Concurrent Enrollment Partnership and the high school has reviewed application items required before submission. If the event Concurrent Enrollment Partnership receives an incomplete application or the minimum requirements for conditional approval have not been met, a denial letter will be sent to the applicant and high school administration.
As a concurrent enrollment high school teacher, your high school has agreed to support your participation in professional development activities. In some schools, support may be financial support for college courses taken in a concurrent enrollment instructional field. 18 Online offers courses for Concurrent Enrollment teachers.
For more information, visit the links below.
Pathways to 18: Concurrent Enrollment Credentialing
A professional development plan is critical for your development as a concurrent enrollment teacher. The professional development plan format and expectations are identified in the following documents. The Initial Approval document is for your initial credential review. The Credential Annual Progress Report will be completed annually to ensure satisfactory progress toward full credential requirements if approval was conditional.
- Initial Approval (completed once at initial review)
- Credential Annual Progress Report (completed annually until full credential requirements have been met)
- Annual discipline-specific professional development is required of all Concurrent Enrollment teachers. Use the form below to capture and submit your annual discipline-specific professional development.
- College Faculty Liaisons will visit concurrent high school teachers in their classrooms a minimum of once annually, but more is welcomed and encouraged. At the site visit, your liaison will observe the course, complete the Faculty Site Visit Report with you and review the process to complete the end-of-course evaluations prior to the end of the semester.
Concurrent Enrollment high school teachers are required to hand out a college-approved course syllabus at the beginning of each semester or year (depending on the duration of the course) that is in alignment with the equivalent 易胜博 course syllabus. Before the first day of school, concurrent enrollment high school teachers should submit the course syllabus to their assigned liaison for their review and approval. A syllabus is submitted for each course, each semester. The liaison, in turn, will review the syllabus and, if approved, notify the concurrent enrollment high school teacher of the approval, and then will submit the syllabus to Michele Altman. If the syllabus is not approved, the liaison will work with the concurrent enrollment high school teacher to make the necessary changes before submitting it to Michele Altman. It is imperative that the semester is indicated at the top of each syllabus. For example: if a concurrent enrollment teacher teaches the same section in both the fall and spring semesters, the syllabus for each must indicate the correct semester – Fall 2017 for fall and Spring 2018 for spring. A syllabus from BOTH the concurrent enrollment teacher and the liaison must be submitted to Michele Altman, at the beginning of each semester for NACEP accreditation purposes.
The syllabus elements below are required on all syllabi:
It is the Concurrent Enrollment (CE) teacher’s responsibility to review the CE Instructor Guide prior to orientation and to review the Concurrent Student Handbook with the students.
- Concurrent enrollment (CE) students are highly motivated and engaged learners. Data suggest that CE and Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) students academically perform equal or better when compared to students who enter as freshmen.
- The college common course outline provides clarity on content and instructors have academic freedom to use materials or to teach the required content as they wish.
- 易胜博 CE instructors engage with 易胜博 discipline faculty and have access to college resources and professional development in their area of expertise.
- CE instructors could teach for 易胜博 if courses are available.
- CE courses provide an alternative for students who are college-level but not ready or wanting to go to the 易胜博 campus. The amount of funding the school district keeps for this approach is much higher than if a student participates in PSEO. Furthermore, students who may not consider themselves college-bound can take a college-level course in a familiar and supportive environment. Because there is no additional cost to students, this option affords students the opportunity to explore and engage in college-level learning.
Concurrent Enrollment courses include both liberal arts/transfer courses and technical courses. A high school wishing to offer a course that is not on the current list should discuss it with Jennifer Hewerdine, Dean of Academic Services, Support, and Innovation at or 507-280-5081 to determine if the course is appropriate for the concurrent enrollment program.
As a concurrent enrollment high school teacher, it is important to access class lists and submit grades at the end of the course. Refer to the Concurrent Enrollment Instructor Guide.
易胜博 uses the online learning management system D2L/Brightspace.
At the bare minimum, D2L is required to be used for grading and end-of-course evaluation for all concurrent enrollment teachers. The college requires grading in D2L for records and retention purposes. In the event a student asks about a grade 5 years down the road, the college needs to be able to provide that information.
Advantages to using D2L are that it contains a lot of resources for students and the transferability of liaison course information to concurrent enrollment teachers' course shell. Ask your liaison about using D2L.
Welcome to Online Learning at 易胜博
Please feel free to contact one of our 易胜博 Department Educational Technology staff members if you have questions on 易胜博 technology related to concurrent enrollment education.
College Academic Calendar: While PSEO students will follow the 易胜博 academic calendar; Concurrent Enrollment students will follow their high school calendar.
College Faculty Liaisons
Rochester Community and Technical College faculty serve as concurrent liaisons. The liaison role exists to support Concurrent Enrollment teachers and to ensure college rigor is present.
- Concurrent Enrollment Due Dates Calendar 2024-2025
- Review Faculty Liaison Guide
- F2 – Meet with new concurrent teacher(s) prior to the course start to review syllabus, textbook, assignments, assessments, grading, Concurrent Enrollment Teacher Guide, and to share college course rigor and expectations. F2- New Teacher Training Form
- C2 – Submit both high school and college shared syllabi for each course section during the first week of each semester. Syllabus Required Elements
- C3 – Conduct at least one site visit and complete a Faculty Site Visit Report. Faculty Site Visit Report
- A1 – Submit at least one shared grading activity or grading-related item and at least one shared assessment Assessment Standard Form
- A1 – Discipline leads will complete a Statement of Equivalency annually to affirm NACEP standards are being met. Statement of Equivalency
- F3 – Ensure CE Teachers complete annual discipline-specific professional development. F3 -Discipline-Specific Professional Development Annual Reporting Form
- E1 – Monitor that student end-of-course surveys are completed for each section offered.
- Review Eval Kit results with your CE Teacher and submit a summary of your discussion.
- Ensure that CE teachers submit final grades
Faculty members interested in becoming faculty liaisons should contact:
Jennifer Hewerdine
Dean of Academic Services, Support, and Innovation
High school counselors are the key to a concurrent enrollment student’s success. Counselors provide advising for course selection, assist with student registration, conduct student assessment, submit student appeals and help determine if course waivers are needed.
To a student or parent of a concurrent enrollment high school program, the high school counselor is the first line of contact to the concurrent enrollment program (CEP).
The annual high school schedule links contain the concurrent enrollment high school partnerships with 易胜博. The following information is provided: Course, Course Title, Course ID, Semester, High School Partner, Number Enrolled/Max, High School Instructor, and College Liaisons.
High school counselors assist students in the 易胜博 online application process. Be sure they are prepared with required information as the session will time out after 30 minutes of inactivity. Please begin this process early spring semester. It is imperative that students include a personal email address on the application, not a school issued email address. Once each student has completed the online application, they will receive communication from the college of their admission status. The communication will contain a student or tech ID that will be required when they take the Accuplacer. The student will also need to activate their Star ID in order to use 易胜博 E-Services such as D2L/Brightspace, Library access, etc. Click on Star ID more information.
Student Registration Process:
1. The 易胜博 College Transition Advisor may assist students with the application process and subsequently proctors the Accuplacer placement assessment on site at each high school in February and March. Through the application process, students will obtain a StarID, Tech ID and password. It will be received through an automated email sent from MinnState as well as in an acceptance letter for the 易胜博 Admission and Records Department.
2. Upon completion of the application process, the high school counselor will notify students of their acceptance to 易胜博 and that they are ready to select their concurrent enrollment course(s).
3. Students, with the assistance of their high schools counselor, review the course description to determine if the course meets their academic needs and if they meet the prerequisite required for the course. The course descriptions and prerequisite information can be found in the college catalog online.
4. Registration for both fall and spring semester courses occurs during April and May as part of the student’s regular high school registration. The high school counselor and the 易胜博 College Transition Advisor assist students with the registration process which includes completing registration cards complete with student signature.
5. Once course choices are complete, the high school counselor and the 易胜博 College Transition Advisor will send the registration materials to the 易胜博 Admission and Records staff who will verify information, including prerequisite requirements for each course, and input the courses into the College’s Student Records System. In general the 易胜博 staff complete all registrations by June 30th.
6. In July the student will go online at to view their concurrent enrollment course schedule. Students will need Tech ID, STAR ID and password to access the information. Students are asked to contact Admissions and Records if questions.
Student Registration Process:
1. The 易胜博 College Transition Advisor may assist students with the application process and subsequently proctors the Accuplacer placement assessment on site at each high school in February and March. Through the application process, students will obtain a StarID, Tech ID and password. It will be received through an automated email sent from MinnState as well as in an acceptance letter for the 易胜博 Admission and Records Department.
2. Upon completion of the application process, the high school counselor will notify students of their acceptance to 易胜博 and that they are ready to select their concurrent enrollment course(s).
3. Students, with the assistance of their high schools counselor, review the course description to determine if the course meets their academic needs and if they meet the prerequisite required for the course. The course descriptions and prerequisite information can be found in the college catalog online.
4. Registration for both fall and spring semester courses occurs during April and May as part of the student’s regular high school registration. The high school counselor and the 易胜博 College Transition Advisor assist students with the registration process which includes completing registration cards complete with student signature.
5. Once course choices are complete, the high school counselor and the 易胜博 College Transition Advisor will send the registration materials to the 易胜博 Admission and Records staff who will verify information, including prerequisite requirements for each course, and input the courses into the College’s Student Records System. In general the 易胜博 staff complete all registrations by June 30th.
6. In July the student will go online at to view their concurrent enrollment course schedule. Students will need Tech ID, STAR ID and password to access the information. Students are asked to contact Admissions and Records if questions.
Students need to be evaluated for course placement prior to enrolling in a Concurrent Enrollment course at 易胜博.
Students can have their test scores and/or high school GPA considered for college placement. These items can be mailed OR emailed to
- Send test scores:
- Students can verify test scores (ACT, SAT, MCA, or ALEKS) pulled out of their portal (unofficial test scores) with a College Transitions Advisor or high school Counselor and send to 易胜博. Official ACT or SAT copies are also accepted when a student requests them from ACT or College Board. Test scores are valid for five years.
- Report your unweighted GPA:
- If you did NOT fill out the “High School Grade Point Average” box in the online application, you can send an unofficial transcript to 易胜博 for placement. High school GPA is valid for 10 years.
Students who have completed college-level English and/or Reading will need to submit official college transcripts prior to placement.
Students who do not have valid test scores or high school GPA will need to contact their high school Counselor for further instructions.
High School Administrators
Concurrent Enrollment courses can include both liberal arts or career and technical courses.
Approved Concurrent Enrollment Courses
A high school wanting to offer a course not listed on the approved concurrent enrollment course list should work with Jennifer Hewerdine, Dean of Academic Services, Support, and Innovation. Jennifer's contact information is:
- 507-280-5081
The annual high school schedule links contain the concurrent enrollment high school partnerships with 易胜博. The following information is provided: Course, Course Title, Course ID, Semester, High School Partner, Number Enrolled/Max, High School Instructor, and College Liaisons.
The concurrent enrollment contract is an agreement between the college and high school partners to support the concurrent enrollment program and ensure program quality. The contract identifies the rights and responsibilities of all partners including student expectations as well as the fiscal responsibility relating to course delivery. The contract is sent to the high school administration during the month of August and should be returned no later than September 1 of the academic year.
- Liberal Arts & Sciences Courses:
Master’s Degree in-field OR Master’s Degree with 18 credits in-field - Career & Technical Courses:
A mix of formal academic preparation and discipline-specific work experience in a technical field. Credentialing requirements are field specific and will vary. Please email Jennifer Hewerdine, Dean of Academic Services, Support, and Innovation at
We recommend that instructors interested in applying to teach in the concurrent enrollment program should discuss their interests with their high school principal. 易胜博 is willing to work with teachers conditionally who do not yet meet full credentials, however, all teachers must meet minimum qualifications by September 2025.
易胜博 requires all CE Teachers to have a minimum of two (2) graduate-level in-field courses successfully completed prior to receiving conditional status.
Concurrent Enrollment Application Materials to Submit:
- Concurrent Enrollment High School Instructor Application
- Resume
- 易胜博 Employment Application
- Official College Transcripts: Graduate and Undergraduate
Due to the sensitivity of the information, mail to Michele Altman at Rochester Community and Technical College, 851 30th Ave SE, Rochester, Minnesota 55904 or talk with your technology department about how to send documents securely via email to
Conditional Requirements
The Higher Learning Commission has given the deadline of Fall 2025 for all concurrent enrollment teachers to meet full college credentialing requirements. 易胜博’s commitment to meet the deadline ensures the Concurrent Enrollment Partnership will work with all conditional CE teachers and high school administrators on a Credential Annual Progress Report. The Credential Annual Progress Report will contain the graduate credits completed as well as a plan to complete the remaining credits prior to Fall 2025. The Report will be signed by all parties including the teacher, High School Administrator, and a representative of the 易胜博 Concurrent Enrollment Partnership. It will be reviewed annually for successful completion. It is the CE teacher’s responsibility to find courses and send them to Jennifer Hewerdine, Dean of Academic Services, Support, and Innovation at for review and pre-approval.
Full Approval
A Concurrent Enrollment teacher will be fully approved initially if they meet full credential requirements.
A Concurrent Enrollment teacher will be granted conditional status if they have a master's degree in an unrelated field (i.e. Education) AND has successfully completed at least two graduate-level in-field courses as determined by the college administration.
The college will review the applicant’s materials and will make a recommendation to approve, approve conditionally, or deny the applicant. Correspondence communicating the decision will be sent to the high school instructor and the administrator.
High School Administration should support CE teacher professional development activities. In some schools, support may be financial support for college courses taken in a concurrent enrollment instructional field, while others provide release time to attend workshops for college courses to meet NACEP standards.
Professional development is a crucial piece of NACEP requirements for all Concurrent Enrollment teachers.
1. Professional Development – Credentialing
Initial Approval (completed once at initial review)
Credential Annual Progress Report (completed annually until full credential requirements have been met)
For Concurrent Enrollment teachers on Conditional Approval, a Credential Annual Progress Report will be required. The Concurrent Enrollment Partnership will send the form to the Concurrent Enrollment teacher and their administrator for signatures.
2. New Concurrent Enrollment Program Orientation
Annual orientation for all Concurrent Enrollment teachers.
3. New Concurrent Enrollment Teacher Training
易胜博 Liaisons will meet with all new Concurrent Enrollment teachers prior to the semester start to provide course-specific training.
4. Annual Discipline-Specific Professional Development
Annual discipline-specific professional development is required of all Concurrent Enrollment teachers. They will work with their liaison and the 易胜博 Concurrent Enrollment Partnership for NACEP acceptable options. Ongoing collegial interaction to further enhance instructor pedagogy and breadth of knowledge in the discipline.
4. Site Visits
The college liaison will visit the Concurrent Enrollment classroom at least once annually for veteran Concurrent Enrollment teachers. All new Concurrent Enrollment teachers will be visited once per course, per semester.
Minnesota State Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program – Board Policy 3.5
Minnesota State Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program – System Procedure 3.5.1
Minnesota State Statute 124D.09 Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act
The Rochester Community and Technical College Concurrent Enrollment program follows the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) accreditation standards. High school responsibilities to maintain NACEP standards include:
1. providing the college with a complete application packet for concurrent enrollment teacher consideration,
2. ensuring concurrent enrollment teachers participate in the concurrent orientation (both general and discipline specific) prior to teaching a concurrent enrollment course,
3. providing the college with a syllabus for each concurrent enrollment course section offered each semester,
4. encouraging concurrent enrollment teacher participation in annual discipline specific professional development workshop provided annually by the college with their CE Liaison.
5. assisting the college in the event of concurrent enrollment teacher non-compliance in professional development and general concurrent enrollment responsibilities,
6. ensuring concurrent enrollment teachers communicate the college student handbook and campus policies to concurrent enrollment students (most will add the links to the syllabus),
7. ensuring that concurrent enrollment teachers allow at least one liaison classroom visit per course per semester or annually based on NACEP guidelines,
8. ensuring that concurrent enrollment teachers implement college department wide assignments, assessments and grading as communicated by the liaison,
9. ensuring that each concurrent enrollment teacher administers a course evaluation survey provided by the college via electronic format near the end of each semester to all concurrent enrollment students, completion of a program evaluation survey to counselors, concurrent enrollment teachers and administration as distributed by the college.